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Los Angeles Employment Lawyer
Los Angeles Litigation Law Firm 424-284-2401

Monthly Archives: October 2023


Is Accent Discrimination Legal?

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

If the cultural and linguistic diversity of Los Angeles disappeared, it would be a shadow of its former self.  According to a 2019 report by World Population Review, 224 languages are spoken in Los Angeles.  This means that a large portion of workers in the Los Angeles area speak more than one language in… Read More »

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Can You Sue If Your Business Partner’s Big Ego Caused Your Business to Tank?

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

If you operate a business, there is a chance that it will close because of financial losses, with or without having first enjoyed a period of success.  If you operate the business with a partner, it is virtually guaranteed that you and your business partner will disagree about a great many things.  Plenty of… Read More »

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Investor Claims That Business Partners Intentionally Caused Business Venture to Fail

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

When business projects fall apart, it is easy for each partner to blame the others’ mistakes for what went wrong.  While many businesses end with hard feelings among the partners, most people do not have grounds to sue their former business partners simply because the project did not succeed.  If you and a partner… Read More »

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The Law Protects Prison Employees Who Report Abuse From Retaliation

By Litigation, P.C. Law Firm |

Reporting misconduct by your employer is a legally protected activity.  This means that, if you see employees in your workplace violating legal regulations, committing crimes, or simply engaging in reckless or malicious acts that cause physical or financial harm, you have the right to complain about it to the leadership of your organization or… Read More »

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