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Los Angeles Employment Lawyer
Los Angeles Litigation Law Firm 424-284-2401

Los Angeles Disability Discrimination Lawyer

Discrimination on account of disability is prohibited by federal and state law, but statistics show that misconduct by California employers is still a common occurrence. According to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), disability consistently ranks in the top three reasons that workers file workplace discrimination claims every year. Disability discrimination laws do provide you with remedies if you were subjected to different treatment because of a medical condition. However, you put your rights at risk if you do not understand the underlying concepts.

Our team at Litigation, P.C. is committed to protecting employees when faced with unlawful acts of disability discrimination. We can help you navigate the process of filing an administrative claim, and we will advocate on your behalf if litigation becomes necessary. Please contact our firm to set up a consultation with a Los Angeles disability discrimination lawyer, and check out some important information about your rights.

California Law Protects Employees

The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) make it unlawful for employers to engage in discrimination due to a worker’s physical, mental, or emotional medical condition. The legal protections extend to such illnesses, ailments and disorders such as:

  • HIV and AIDS;
  • Chronic conditions, including heart disease, respiratory conditions, hypertension, and diabetes;
  • Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and related psychiatric disorders;
  • Hearing and vision problems;
  • Paralysis or loss of limbs; and
  • Many other medical conditions that limit a person in performing routine life activities.

The laws address a wide range of disability discrimination by employers, such as refusal to hire, terminating an employee, paying less because of a disability, rebuffing opportunities for a raise or promotion, and many other types of misconduct. An employer may also violate the law by refusing to provide reasonable accommodations that enable the worker to perform job-related tasks. The exception is where it would cause undue hardship for the company to arrange for reasonable accommodations.

Your Remedies as the Target of Unlawful Disability Discrimination

While the ADA and FEHA offer similar protections, there is one key difference that dictates your legal options. The federal law applies to employers with 15 or more employees, while the number for FEHA is a minimum of five.

Still, the process is similar in that you first file a complaint or charge with the relevant government agency. Under the rule on exhausting your administrative remedies, you must go through the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). If the EEOC or DFEH do not resolve your claim to your satisfaction, you can file a lawsuit in court. Our team at Litigation, P.C., will seek all available remedies, such as:

  • Back pay, lost wages, advance pay, and future earnings;
  • Damages for emotional distress;
  • Your attorney’s fees and court costs; and,
  • Equitable relief, such as an order for reinstatement of your job or requirement to provide reasonable accommodations. 

Reach Out to a Tough-Minded Los Angeles Disability Discrimination Attorney

The law protects employees against mistreatment in the workplace. For a confidential consultation with an experienced Los Angeles disability discrimination lawyer, contact Litigation, P.C., at 424-284-2401 or online to learn about your legal options. We routinely handle matters throughout SoCal.