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Los Angeles Employment Lawyer
Los Angeles Litigation Law Firm 424-284-2401

Redondo Beach Whistleblower Claim Lawyer

Companies often fire employees for insubordination. In most cases, the worker has no legal recourse, especially if they are an “at-will” employee. But there is a critical exception to this rule: Your employer cannot fire you for refusing to break the law, even if it is to nominally help the company in some way. Furthermore, you are protected from retaliation should you choose to report your employer for attempting or engaging in illegal activity.

We commonly refer to employees who step forward to report such actions as “whistleblowers,” and they enjoy certain protections in the workplace under California law. If you have been disciplined or fired by your job for engaging in protected activities and need legal advice and representation from a qualified Redondo Beach whistleblower claim lawyer, the employment law team at Litigation, P.C., is here to help. We represent employees who have been unfairly punished for their role in exposing their employer’s wrongdoing, and we can assist you in seeking monetary compensation and other damages.

How California Whistleblower Laws Protect You

California’s Labor Code provides broad whistleblower protections for any employee who discloses information that the employee “reasonably believes” relates to possible violations of laws, regulations, or other public policies. This includes disclosures made to the employer–such as reporting department misconduct to a senior executive–or to a government agency. An employee is also protected by whistleblower laws if they testify or otherwise provide information during an official investigation, hearing, or inquiry into possible wrongdoing by the employer.

It is critical to note that the law only requires the employee had a “reasonable belief” that there was a violation. So even if it turned out the employer did not break the law–or the appropriate government agency declined to take any action–the employee still may not be punished by the employer. This means that so long as you act within the scope of the whistleblower law, your employer cannot take any of the following actions in retaliation:

  • terminate your employment;
  • demote or refuse to promote you when otherwise warranted by your merit;
  • threaten to report you to U.S. immigration authorities (if you make a complaint about a Labor Code violation);
  • deny you access to any professional training opportunities;
  • deprive you of access to any resources necessary to properly perform your job duties; or
  • cut your pay or benefits.

If your employer does retaliate, then you can file a lawsuit, or in Labor Code violation cases a complaint with the state Labor Commissioner. Depending on the specific facts of your case, you may be entitled to recover damages including lost wages and benefits, reinstatement to your previous job, and damages for the emotional stress and suffering you endured as a consequence of the employer’s illegal retaliation.

Contact Litigation, P.C. Today

There are strict time limits for whistleblowers to assert their legal rights–sometimes as little as six months–so it is imperative that you do not delay in taking action. A skilled Redondo Beach whistleblower claim lawyer can provide you with further guidance and representation. To speak with a lawyer right away, contact Litigation, P.C., to schedule a free initial consultation.