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Los Angeles Litigation Law Firm 424-284-2401

Los Angeles Appellate Lawyer

Experience & Success on Your Side

As a Los Angeles appellate lawyer, Litigation, P.C. brings a fresh perspective to cases that have been settled in an unfavorable way. At Litigation, P.C. in Hollywood, our appellate lawyer has a unique skill set that allows to approach a case with the intensity it needs to win the best possible result. Litigation, P.C. has represented clients in various appeals in federal court, state court, and bankruptcy court since 2010, and continues to offer aggressive yet compassionate legal services on behalf of our respected clients.

As an appellate law attorney, Litigation, P.C. serves clients through:
  • Research
  • Briefing
  • Argument of the appeal
  • Post-trial motions
  • Stays pending appeal
  • Emergency writs

As a firm, we are wholly dedicated to serving our clients’ best interests. Through regular communication with each client regarding his or her case, our knowledge and understanding of the law, and our confident litigation strategies, we regularly win successful outcomes for our clients. If we have not personally mastered an area of law related to our clients’ appeal, we contract professional counsel to allow them to contribute their expertise to our defense strategy.

Why Hire Litigation, P.C. for Your Appeal?

When you retain a Los Angeles appellate lawyer from our firm, you can be confident with our skill, experience, and success on your side. We have delivered significant value to our clients and continuously succeed in cases ranging from a small debt collection matter to the most complex total loss of multi-million dollar homes following a catastrophic pipe burst. We offer the representation that our clients are looking for, no matter how complicated the case.

Contact our firm at 424-284-2401 to speak with our Los Angeles attorney today. We offer a case consultation to each new client.