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Los Angeles Employment Lawyer
Los Angeles Litigation Law Firm 424-284-2401

California Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Under federal and state law, all employees in California have the right to a safe work environment and that includes being free from sexual harassment on the job. Unfortunately, too many employers in California violate the rights of their employees and that can make work life unbearable. If you feel as though an employer has broken the law, it is important to speak to a California sexual harassment lawyer as soon as possible.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is not always obvious. Sometimes, employers act subtly but in a way that still causes employees to suffer. California recognizes two types of sexual harassment that can take place. The first is quid pro quo, which is not as common today but it does still happen. With quid pro quo harassment, someone in an authoritative position offers an employee something desirable, such as a promotion, in exchange for sexual favors.

The other, more subtle, form of sexual harassment is that which creates a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment involves more than just an employee that does not feel comfortable in their workspace. In order for a work environment to be considered hostile, the actions of an employer or supervisor must be so pervasive that they interfere with the employee’s ability to perform their job duties. Examples of behaviors that could constitute a hostile work environment include:

  • Unwelcome physical touching
  • Intentionally invading an employee’s personal space
  • Making sexual requests or offers
  • Constant sexual comments, jokes, or innuendos
  • Distributing images or messages of a sexual nature

Unfortunately, the above are just a few of the most common examples of sexual harassment, but it can take many forms.

Who is Liable for Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

It is natural for employees to believe that only employers can be held liable for sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers are sometimes the one engaging in sexual harassment and when that is the case, they can be held liable. However, that is not the only time. Employers can also be held vicariously liable when they knew of the sexual harassment but did nothing to stop it.

For example, if a co-worker was sexually harassing another employee and the victim reported it but the employer did nothing about it, they can still be held liable. Alternatively, if a regular customer in a bar repeatedly harassed a server in the establishment and the employer did nothing about it, they can also be held liable.

Call Our Sexual Harassment Lawyer in California

If you feel as though an employer or anyone else in the workplace has violated your rights, it is crucial that you work with a California sexual harassment lawyer. At Litigation, P.C., our experienced attorney knows how to protect your rights while safeguarding your privacy and bringing your case to a successful resolution for you. Call us today at 424-284-2401 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help.